
Rapouso... já é tempo de acordar! / FoxLife...

Raposa/Red-Fox (Vulpes vulpes)

Is there a time to slow down and stop
No need to risk your life 
Just asking, think and stop
For another wild life
Just saying, drive carefully
Could be your child
If you were in the city
It could be your loved one

When in the forest
It can be a fox, a mice, a bird, a frog
Just asking, think and give it a rest
You never know what's in the fog
Just saying, drive carefully
Could be a frog, could be a wild-hog
Could be somebody's dog
And could be you're beloved one

A Dream within a Dream - Oren Lavie

1 Response to "Rapouso... já é tempo de acordar! / FoxLife..."

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I'm wondering at dreamland for the moment... will check my e-mail as soon I wake up! ;-)